Linux console basics

Linux console basics

Here you can find a cheat sheet to handle your linux consoles with ease.

Hotkeys and Shortcuts

Yes, we need to remember those

Notice Hotkey
Recent commands STRG+R
Paste STRG + SHIFT + V
Cancel STRG + C

Very important and usefull commands to remember

list a directory (laht=show all and sort by time)

ls -laht <path is optional>

copy files recursive

cp -r <source> <target>

remove all files in a given path recursive

rm -R <path>

change owner of files or directories with chown

chown -R user:group <folder>

change permissions with chmod

chmod +x <file>

execute command as super user

sudo <command>

switch to super user

su -

some more self explained commands

sudo reboot
sudo shutdown

more advanced commands to maintain services

sudo systemctl status <service>
sudo journalctl -fu <service>
tail -f /var/log/<some logfile>
netstat -natup